So as most of you know I started this blog as a way of communicating with friends and family while I was away in Haiti. Quite often I use it as a sounding board for things other then Haiti (and I hope you don't mind?!) considering I'm not in Haiti :( how about I change it up a bit?
Today, as I sat in my warm condo looking at the beautiful sunny yet freezing cold day my thoughts began to drift (away from all those "required readings" ugghh)and I thought about an event that's going on right now just east of Edmonton, which I will tell you about in a minute...and on the tail end of that thought another came about.. why not also use it to talk about the people I encounter personally and read about that are doing great things in this world, not just for Haiti but for all the world.
I would love to be able to have the time, money and energy to be involved in more causes then I am but just because they are not things I can be involved in doesn't mean I can't tell you about all the people and causes I encounter..maybe you might have some time to get involved.. So in addition to writing about Haiti I will also be posting here about different causes, volunteer opportunities and in general all the cool people doing great things for the world!
So the event that got me thinking this way is The World's Longest Hockey Game, currently being played just east of Edmonton at "Saiker's Acres". This game is being played by 40 individuals (including only 1 girl..but have a feeling that may change) 24 hours a day for 11 days straight. The goal of the game, aside from retaining the title of longest game in Guinness, is to raise $1 million dollars for a new linear accelerator (radiation machine) for the Cross Cancer. The game (number 4 played by these guys) is currently into day 8 and it is freaking cold out there today!! Blisters, frostbite, fatigue and you name it will happen to these guys and gal over the 11 days but as I witnessed first hand they will take it all is stride and prove their true Canadian spirit.
You can read more about it here I had the privilege of meeting Brent while his wife Susan was in the Cross and I can tell you he truly is an amazing man! In 2005 (game #2) I volunteered at the game doing miscellaneous stuff and it was such a great experience. I will try and head out there at some point in the next few days to cheer them on..and maybe bring some hot, hot drinks...
So there we have first shout-out to the cool humanitarians of the world... I have met many so get ready for more to come!
Enjoy your weeknd..stay safe and warm..
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