Tuesday, February 15, 2011

changes..part two..

I have not written in a long time..sorry about that. Life fills up time and stuff gets pushed to the back burner..So in my last post I spoke about need a change and the biggest one for me has occurred...

It was with a lot of sadness I left my job at the Cancer Hospital. I loved my job, I loved my colleagues, I loved my patients but I also know my limits and I was very close to mine when I decided to leave. Everyone that works in health care give of their hearts and souls..they work tirelessly to help people who are in very often the most trying times in their lives, they care for people as if they are their own family, they welcome the beginning of life and help with the ending of life...they carry patients,families and all their stories with them long after they go home at night...I love my job, I love the people I get to work with and for everyday but sometimes I run out of the give...and I am afraid that is where I found myself a couple of weeks ago...

The staff of the Cross are amazing,amazing people and I would not have been able to accomplish half of what I have in the last few years if it had not been for them. They are some of my best friends and I know they will be for the rest of my life. They have helped me grow as a nurse and more importantly as a human being and I thank them for that!

So I am off to something different..not bigger or better just different and I am looking forward to the change and growth that will come from this new job! Thanks to all of you for your well wishes!

Unfortunately with a change like this plans for other parts of my life have had to change also and I won't be able to go back to Haiti till the summer now...that is something that has me very sad today...I know this will be a good time for learning and saving and growing but I must admit I am longing to feel the hot sun on my face, smell the smells that only Haiti can produce, I long for the simplicity that becomes my life when I am there..I miss Rose and Olez..I miss Beth and all the people at Heartline...

The other day I was out and saw a card and have decided that although everyday I need to work towards my goalsand that I must not let things hold me back from going where I want to go in life, not all things will come to me as fast as I want them too!!

Patience Weedhopper patience..

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