Saturday, May 12, 2012

Amazing people and tragedy..

Tonight I am sitting on my patio, arranging my life and my up-coming trip to Haiti. This past week I have had the privileged of spending time with other people who have spent time in and loved Haiti also. One even spent sometime in the "clink" down there, as his southern self calls it! Not only did I so enjoy listening to all the stories and hearing all the great things that they had experienced while there, I started to get more excited about my up-coming trip. It was nice to see that even though both of these people are now back in the States they have both stayed very connected to Haiti and their work there. Even trying to get back to work full-time...Something I admire! For both of them Haiti was not a fleeting experience they have a love for Haiti that warms my heart.. they are both passionate and caring people and I am so very happy I got to spend time with both Holli Griffiths and Paul Waggoner! Hope to spend time with them again soon!!

Although hanging with them was great I also learned some very sad and troubling news about Ti Kay and Megan's supplies..Seems like it is so hard to catch a break at times...

Below is a picture of a fire that ripped through the compound that held her container full of supplies (not to mention the workshop for a group from Cite Soleil and many other projects currently underway at Haiti Communitere).
Thousands of dollars in precious and needed medical supplies, supplies that are not easily replaced, supplies that save lives and keep people well. It is to say the least devastating...

Currently, I am trying to get a hold of some suppliers to get supplies to take with me to help until they can build up their's. If anybody has connections with medical supply personnel,  please pass them on my information and I can talk to them about how they can help ( or 780-278-7186). Also, if you would like to donate money that would also be useful as I will pick up what supplies I can here with it. Every little bit counts.

Megan and her crew are down in Haiti working day in and day out to try and provide healthcare to the people of Haiti. In the conditions, providing the type of care they do is no small feat ..this current tragedy thrown into the mix just makes providing that caliber of care all the more difficult. As a nurse working in a resource abundant facility I could not imagine trying to provide the type of care Megan and crew provide without the appropriate resources.  

Thanks for all your support in this matter. Keep your eyes and ears open as I might try to have a last minute fundraiser next weekend and will keep you all posted!


1 comment:

  1. Good post Lise...

    Love that first paragraph. So hard for me to explain Haiti's lingering effects to people.
