So I want to write a quick post to update people on a few things... I am in the process of putting together my next big post having to do with my half-marathon..hopefully it will be ready soon. In the meantime I want to tell you a few things!
1. Shoe drive...we will, one day soon (as soon as it freaking warms up!!) sort, count and package them up. I have to get them out of my car and Sherri's garage! And yes Margie and Sandra I know I have shoes to collect from both of you..lets set a date to meet!
2. The running has begun..thanks to Tammy and Mark for being my loyal running partners although I must admit I would rather run in Fairmont then Edmonton anytime..too bad about the 6 hr drive!
3.Haiti had a relatively calm run off election for which the preliminary results will be available March's hoping for positive, lasting changes...
4. I had the privilege of meeting one special family a couple of weeks ago. Bailey and Tim Sousa had decided that for their daughters birthday they were not going to ask for presents for her. Instead Bailey heard about me and my work in Haiti thru a good friend Corinna and David Dooley (my wonderful,soon to be leaving neighbors!) and decided to ask for things that are needed in Haiti. The guests were extremely generous and as a result I will be sending off a large box to the people at Real Hope for Haiti (to put in their container) this week. Thank you little Avreilla, Bailey, Tim and all those who contributed!!
5. I have talked a fair amount about my friend Barbie, whom I met in Haiti a year ago this month and whom is one of my mentors. She is currently living/volunteering in Haiti and has written once again a thought provoking and meaningful blog post. Here it is to read..
6. last but not least thank you to all of you for your kinds words over the past few weeks...I love all animals (its why I choose to not eat them) and I especially loved my little Molly...but she did not suffer and although i really miss her greeting me at the door or the pitter patter of her feet I know I did the right thing by her..
Ok off to work on that other post I promised you...hope all is well for each of you!!
(oh and I am very aware that my Hipstamatic App obsession is a little out of hand but hey we all have our vices..right!)
XOXO Night!
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