Just wanted to check in with those of you who follow me on here. Things in Haiti seem to be settling down (optimistic maybe...) but groups continue to remain cautious..With hurricane Tomas expected to hit (being a Category 1 storm as opposed to Cat3 which was predicted does make me feel that optimism???)
And when people are living in the conditions that they are with poor sanitation and insufficient clean water sources diseases like cholera have a ideal breeding ground.. With the potential floods that come with storms like Tomas, the possibility for cholera to spread is increased exponentially...Teams on the ground have done an amazing job of educating the population and providing clean drinking water...to help in keeping the outbreak at hand. But of course with a tropical storm, that is expected to increase into a Hurricane in the very near future (with expectations of coming ashore in the next week), proper shelter becomes another issue and one not new to the Haitian people..
I can hear you now asking where is all the AID money..why are people STILL living in tents without access to proper sanitation and clean water....good question and that is a blog for another time but as for right now I am preparing to leave on my 3rd trip in 8 months to this little nation to do what I can. Funny, I don't think there's anyplace I've been to 3 times on a trip in my life..especially not in the span of a year! But as those of you who know me and have spoken to me about Haiti you will know that I have grown to appreciate it and all that it brings into my life... a sense of humility, feelings of gratefulness for my life here and Canada and a sense of purpose..
This trip, and the supplies I need for it will be mostly to address the immediate needs of a country in the grips of a disease not seen there since the 1960's (therefore leaving the majority of the population with no immunity to it), a disease that can kill a healthy adult in a matter of hours...let alone a malnourished adult, child, infant...
I know that I seem to be asking all the time for donations and I am working to reconcile that in me, because I like to think I am not a person who asks for much in life.But maybe in this case I am..and I think that's alright. A friend told me tonight "All people can say is no, so ask till they do!"
Many of you have already donated to me and this cause in the past..I do know there are many other causes out there that are worthy of your time and money. So maybe this time if you have a few dollars to spare think of me and my colleagues working there on behalf of the larger community of humanity.
I love what I do, I love that I have the skills that can help me help others..as most of you know given the opportunity I would do this on a full-time basis (but alas banks seem to have another idea for my life!) and I thank you again for your support in this, in every form that it comes!
If you would like to donate please msg me here or at lbudreo@hotmail.com and I will let you know how!
Oh and I promise to get back to writing, actually writing not just putting up updates on my life soon! So more to come from Haiti soon!
Love you...
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