Sunday, March 21, 2010

still love sundays...

Although I have only had about 4 hours of sleep (courtesy of the dogs, roosters and full piece band playing in the yard over) I still love Sundays!
I am sitting out on the patio listening to the sounds of the day, enjoying a gentle breeze and watching the sun slowly lower in the sky! I am learning, or should I say re-learning that the simple things in this life are what matter and I am so grateful to be able to enjoy them!

This trip has already clarified many things for me in my life...I already knew this life can be so short but I don't know if I have ever truly lived in a way that embraces it begins..with this my favorite day! I am grateful for many things today mostly old and new friendships, grateful for the opportunity to move forward with my life and for all the opportunities that lay in front of me....

Enjoy your Sundays...

love lise

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