“Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” —Howard Thurman
Friday, July 29, 2011
Another ridiculous shot
Am heading off to bed as had an emotional day with little rose... Saying goodbye, although never seems to truly hit me till I am back home it's always hard. The one thing I do know for sure..(there are not many of them in my life) little lady has people who, although faced with struggles many of us in Canada will never know that truly love her.. And that makes leaving her a little less heart wrenching! Will post some pictures of her and the house etc in the coming days. Off to medishare in the AM and am sad to be leaving Beth, John and the amazing folks at Heartline...love these guys and all they are doing here! More to come!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
quick update
Just a quick post to let you all know I made it here safe and sound. Olez brought Rose to the guesthouse today and she warmed right up to me. She looks pretty much the same that she did 8 months ago (she's a tiny little lady) but is now walking and talking up a storm (all lost on me I am afraid but I play along as best I can). Oh and she ate like there is no tomorrow after her 3 hour nap (with dual fans going in the +37 heat this afternoon).Nice breeze tonight..maybe rain coming which is a blessing and a curse...
Olez is fairing alright and we will go out to the community that the house is built in on friday with Beth...Very nice to see Beth and John today and have short but wonderful conversations with them...such amazing people they are and am so glad that our paths have crossed!
Rose has just fallen asleep, and some wise voice in my head tells ,e I should try and do the same...
So bonne nuit from Haiti!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
sitting here listening to John Mayer's "heart of life"...
no it won't all go the way it should...
but I know the heart of life is good....
pain throws your heart to the ground...
love turns the whole thing around...
But then I saw this
and i thank whatever higher power there is that the hearts of those at the Real Hope For Haiti are good...some of the best I have ever known...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011
hope for now..
This hallway's dark and empty
Just miles and miles of endless road
I've got a sickness pounding in my head
I'm at the mercy of the ghosts
But what it would take to live
As if I would not another day
To live without despair
And to be without desdain
How can I instill such hope
But be left with none of my own?
What if I could sing
Just one song
And it might save somebody's life
I sought after
After reasons to stay
I was lost
I was lost
Then the sky turned black
And the rains poured down
I was waiting
Waiting to be found
Oh, no
How can I instill such hope
But be left with none of my own?
What if I could sing
Just one song
And it might save somebody's life
Then I would sing
All that I can sing
Because that is when
When I feel that I'm not just counting time
Oh, and I sing
All that I can sing
Maybe just for the moment
Things would seem all right
City and Colour
I have not posted anything directly about Haiti in a long time but that's not to say that I have not been wanting too..I just have had a hard time piecing together how to say what it is I have been thinking/reading about... I want to warn you that the following post is more a "thinking" and "sorting" one for me so I am very sorry if it feels/is confusing for you...Lets just say I have been doing a lot of thinking and reading and I am wanting to share it with you now...however jumbled it seems..
There have been many things I have wanted to say over the past few months regarding AID work, Haiti, the politics of the humanitarian world etc..those of you closest to me know that I have been struggling with my thoughts and place in all this.. These struggles have led me to do a lot of reading on both sides of an seemingly un-ending debate.
Let me back up and define the debate for you...
Sometimes when we think we are helping we are actually hurting... and basically I am trying to find ways to help and not hurt...not an easy task and one that has/is requiring a lot of self-reflection coupled with an intense swing upward on my learning continuum.
At times I have found myself becoming so frustrated that I have closed my computer, book, paper and just walked away. And other times I can't stop nodding my head saying "yes, yes that's it" (usually only to be knocked back a notch with a rebuttal to the point that so garnered my approval). I don't like not understanding things, not being able to reconcile that my actions, however well-meaning, might in many ways be harming exactly those I am wanting to help. I used to think I was OK with living in the "grey" areas of life but this debate and my subsequent education of it have proven otherwise.
My whole learning has been a tough row to hoe and to be honest one I am still very much contemplating.. but in this process I have noticed a shift in me...a shift towards being more open when all I have wanted to do is shutdown..this is a very slow process for me but I am getting there..I think in a small, small way I am sorting out how I, as an individual with limited resources and time can still "help" in a way that doesn't "hurt".
That being said...
I wanted to let you know that I am heading back to Haiti in just over 2 weeks. This trip and the reasons why I have only shared with a few that I am returning is more a part of the above process.
Many of you have been so generous on my last 3 trips and as you know I cannot thank you enough but this trip for me is different. I won't be asking for donations, I still have many things that have been given to me since my last trip and I will be taking those. The following are links to blogs of different people doing good, check that great things in Haiti. If you want to support me, consider supporting them which in turn will be "helping" the people of Haiti. I have seen the work of these people firsthand and I love all of them for being part of the "help".
Most of you that have spent any time with me and heard me talk about Haiti will know about John and Beth. This couple is the real deal and I am so grateful to have had them enter my life. Beth is my lifeline to Olez, Rose and family. They are defiantly helping..(Can't wait to hug Beth..john..well.. ;))Check out the Haitian Creations part of the website for gift ideas..let me know if you would like anything in particular and I can pick it up for you while I am in Haiti.
Lori and Licia provide medical care and community support/involvement to the people of Cazale (and to many in the surrounding mountain ranges). Additionally, they run a rescue center for malnourished children. looking for neat gift ideas check out this website, Artists for Hope (all proceeds go to RHFH):
Tara and Troy work with different groups in Haiti providing support where needed. They work primarily with Heartline. Tara's blog posts are very thought provoking and have been one of the ones that at times have frustrated me but in doing so have held me in that uncomfortable place of introspection I so need to go too! Their blog is one of the ones that has pushed me in my thinking and has forced me to work on my opening up..thanks Tara.
For all my retail/jewelry junkies out there CHECK these guys out! The premise behind the name is that in creating jobs parents will be able to provide for their families and continue to be "A Parent". Love this!
If you are looking for a way to support me on this trip you can do so by donating to Project Medishare (which is where I will be volunteering for a week). Medishare, a project of the University of Miami has been in Haiti for over 20 years. They are involved mainly in health care at the acute and community levels. They also are involved in collaborative projects with the Haitian Government.Check them out with the link below.
I know I don't have any of this figured out yet and so its hard for me to write about it..to write about something that feels so jumbled up in my own head.